Tuesday, May 31, 2016

Carrot cake muffins

Yes, fruit is good for breakfast but I wanted something naughty... this is my solution. When I put it into the Weight Watchers recipe Builder it said it was only 1 Point each but from the website that I got it off of it said it was two points so I summed it up to two points...

It's a box of Super moist, Betty Crocker carrot cake mix, one cup of low-fat plain Greek yogurt, and one cup of water. Easy enough right?

And I totally feel like I am cheating when I eat them!!!


3-2-1 cake

I have such a sweet tooth so this fixed gets me through the day... a good friend told me about this years ago when she was doing Weight Watchers. It's only 2 points!!!

1 box of angel food cake
One box of any flavored cake (I did red velvet)

Mix in a ziplock bag
Then when you're ready for a quick treat scoop out...

3 tablespoon of cake mix
2 tablespoons of water
1 minute in the microwave

I topped mine with frozen light whipped cream

Well hello friends

I'm sure I was missed around here...
Anyhow, out with old in with the new right? 
I started weight watchers last week because I've been struggling with nutrition here a lot lately and I've gained almost 15lbs. Yikes!! So you'll be seeing a lot of blog posts about points and recipes, enjoy!

Friday, November 20, 2015

3 ballerina tea

Anyone else heard of this? My sister told me about it because she has the same problems I do.  We don't go... you know.
And just a forewarning this post is not going to be pleasant, I get to talk about poo and the problems I have with it... fun right?
So having an incredibly bad thyroid, and it barely working ( I'm sure you can find all kinds of information on the subject)
I was taking miralax for about the past 3 or 4 years, I had heard that if you use it too long it can mess up your bowels and you can have more of the same problems even when you get off of it. So I finally gave in ordered me some of the 3 ballerina tea, got it in the mail and was kind of excited to try it.

I started it last Tuesday (11/10) night because, what I had read and from what my sister had told me you drink it before you go to sleep wake up and like magic you have to poop a lot... I brewed it for 5 minutes as directed woke up the next morning...and... nothing!!! I thought to myself yep! that's me nothing can just work right...

Again, the next night I increased the brewing time to 8 minutes.... got up the next morning, and.... nothing!  Am I the only person in this world that can drink this and not poop?

Again, increase the brewing time to 10 minutes, and I finally go... now from what everybody had told me this stuff is supposed to be like rotor Rooter you will poop your brains out lose 5 pounds in the process cuase you store so much... yep! Not me!

Fast forward a couple days still doing 1 tea bag for 15 almost 20 minutes my sister tells me to do 2 bags start at 10 minutes and work your way up...

Tuesday  night I do the 2 teabags, and I go. .. Wednesday night I do the two teabags for almost 20 minutes because I forgot,  and wouldn't you know it I could have lost 5 pounds, finally some success... although still not happening right when I wake up like it is supposed to. (I have issues going poop other places than my house...) again did the two bags for 20 minutes and this morning as soon as I get up.... I Poop!

So for anyone that is like me and it didn't work right away, I suggest trying the one teabag maybe for 20 or 30 minutes. If you are still not going like you're 'supposed' to, then try the two bags for 15 or 20 minutes!

I'm only posting this because when I went to look for results of not going with 3 ballerina tea there was nothing... I thought surely I am NOT the only one that has this problem! Sometimes I wish to be like the girls that had posted they drink it one time and took to their brains out... sorry if this is TMI but congratulations for reading the whole thing!

Monday, November 16, 2015

Start of week 3

It's Monday again so time for an update... the first two weeks have been pretty easy, I continue to do cardio because I teach 2 classes at the gym, and the lifting schedule hasn't been to horrifying (bot too sore) I have to say that I continue to eat clean but I do not follow the meal plan exactly. So, at the end of it I don't look like I've changed it's probably because of that. This week we transition from working out 4 times a week to 5 times a week, which I typically do anyhow.  I will try and update with a progress picture in the next couple days...
Stay tuned!

Tuesday, November 10, 2015

Little bit late!

Excuse my tardiness! Lol my son was sick yesterday so therefore I did not have time to post... ( he is feeling much better now, thanks for asking) I did however have time to work out, being a fitness instructor has it's benefits :)

I started with my cardio of sh'bam, hurried up and lifted and then finished with silver sneakers! Last night before bed I needed to finish my push ups and work on some abs... not sure if it is a fluke or not but I'm already down 3 lbs. I have been really bad about logging my food in MyFitnessPal...

I meal prepped yesterday, so this week I will be having chicken, brown rice and steamed broccoli for lunch. And last night for supper we had stuffed bell peppers, and because I was still hungry I had a Greek yogurt as my dessert :) I have such a sweet tooth!

I am hoping to be better about updating and the exercises that I am doing on Jamie Eason 12 week trainer and keep updated on weight loss, and include pictures to look back on. Stay tuned!

Saturday, November 7, 2015

1 week down

I wish I could say 'that was easy' truth is with Halloween and the kids candy  (aka tootsie rolls) i cheated all week! The workouts weren't bad at all the nutrition part was the hardest... I look forward to next week and totally want to stay on point with nutrition. I'm going to meal prep tomorrow..